
Hello! I am Rylan Wassem. Web Developer, Software Developer, and Software Engineer.

I have been writing code for over ten years now. I have worked on a variety of projects and with different technologies and application stacks. My favorite projects in college included writing a DOS type operating system in ANSI style C and implementing a seam carving algorithm in C# to resize images. When I am not hacking code, you might find me practicing Tai Chi, hiking, playing guitar, or plodding my way through Latin American literature.

Basic Information
200 E Iron Ave, Dover, Ohio, U.S.A
English, Spanish(Intermediate)
Professional Skills
Work Experience

March 2017 - Present

Freelance Developer

I am currently open to working on innovative and exciting projects. I am busy developing a few ideas of my own for mobile platform interactive learning for primary school students. I am also refreshing and expanding my skill set in the .NET environment at Per Scholas where we are going over Entity Framework and many other Web technologies.

January 2017 - March 2016

Nextwave Automation
Application Developer

During my time at Nextwave I worked on many fun and interesting projects using a broad array of tools and technologies. I often integrated changes into the CMS that the company's website was built on. I also had an opportunity to delve into the Open Computer Vision libraries to solve a problem with the company's main product the CNC Shark. Additionally, I learned about CGI scripts, started a desktop application for reading and editing images, and built a company touchscreen time clock that utilized C#, SQL Server, JSON, CSS and JavaScript.

October 2015 - May 2016

Mandated Services
Web Application Developer

At Mandated Services I worked on a complete rewrite of the company's websites from VBScript to VB .NET. I mostly did middle tier work but also got involved the data model at times and occasionally made design suggestions.

May 2012 - May 2013

Department of Residence Services
Web Application Developer

While working for Kent State in the Department of Residence Services I collaborated with a creative and innovative group of graduate students on many enterprise level .NET Web applications. We worked mostly in C# and leveraged NHibernate for object-relational mapping. During this time, I was also exposed SQL Server and jQuery. Most of our applications were written with an ASP .NET Web Form pattern but I also gained some familiarity with MVC.


2013 - 2016

Bachelor's Degree
Bachelor of Computer Science

University of Akron

I completed the entire core cirriculum towards a Systems Track Computer Science baccalaureate. During my three years at the University of Akron I made the Dean's list on multiple occasions while taking courses such as Object Oriented Programming, Data Structures, Algorithms, Systems Programming, Software Engineering, and Operating Systems. During my Junior year I discovered the ACM club and would often spend Friday nights participating in coding challenges.

2011 - 2013

Associate Degree
AAB Computer Technology with a focus in Application Development

Kent State University

In my time at Kent State I was introduced to programming in VB .NET and C++. I also took courses in Technical Writing, Networking, Computer Repair, and World Music. I also learned the importance of adhering to deadlines and even had the opurtunity to participate in some collaborative work. During the second year of completing my degree I also worked with a great team of grad student building enterprise level .NET Web applications for the university's Department of Residence Services.

Contact Me
Feel free to contact me


200 E Iron Ave, Dover, Ohio, U.S.A



